10th-12th grade
Classes for the year will need to follow The King's Academy class plan to finish all required credits to graduate on time. Please print off the following forms which show the graduation requirements and recommended classes for each semester.
ALL forms are located in the cloud drive. If you need the link again or if you have any questions concerning the High School class schedule please contact the Homeschool Coordinator.
re-enroll steps
step 1: Email the homeschool coordinator
Please email the Homeschool Coordinator with a list of your intended courses for the school year.
You MUST have approved course selection and curriculum before turning in your Re-enrollment forms.
step 2: turn in documents
Once your classes and curriculum have been approved:
Turn in a copy of your Curriculum Worksheet for each semester and any updated immunization records for your student's file to the Homeschool Coordinator.
Complete your Financial Contract and pay fees online.
As soon as your paperwork and fees payment are processed you will receive an email stating that your registration is complete.
These forms and payment must be turned in by August 1st to meet state requirements.
Any student who has not re-registered by August 1st will receive a notice of withdrawal.
All forms necessary for the year are listed and explained below.
Curriculum Worksheet: This form should be printed off twice to indicate the courses and curriculum you have chosen for each semester. Turn the 1st semester worksheet in to the Homeschool Coordinator on the last day of the fall semester after entering final grades for each course. The 2nd semester worksheet (with final grades added) is due no later than June 30th. This form will document the courses taken and the grades received, which will be transferred to the official transcript for your student.
A $20 late fee will be charged for each week that you are late turning in this form. After four weeks late your student will not receive credit for the classes taken during that semester.
TKA Homeschool Independent Study Program Diploma Requirements (located on the DOCUMENTS page of this website)
Suggested High School Class Schedule (located on the DOCUMENTS page of this website)
Financial Enrollment Contract: This form will be completed online and full payment for the year is required to complete registration. (You will need to complete a separate form for each student you are enrolling.) Notice that graduation for 12th grade is optional and requires an additional $250 fee. Please notify the Homeschool Coordinator at the time of registration if your senior will be participating in the TKA graduation events
Quarterly Attendance Report: This form is to be filled out and turned in to the Homeschool Coordinator on the last day of each quarter. For 4th Quarter it must be turned in by June 30th. This will help keep you and your student on track to complete the correct hours and credits for each year. The dates that the Quarterly Attendance Report is due are shown on the annual list of Important Dates which you will receive in August.
A $20 late fee will be charged for each week that you are late turning in this form.
Attendance Summary: This form is to be filled out throughout the school year to keep track of the 180 days of annual attendance required by the State of Tennessee. This form must be turned in to the Homeschool Coordinator by June 30th or as soon as 180 days have been reached and you have finished the school year.
A $20 late fee will be charged for each week that you are late turning in this form.
Parent/Teacher In-Service Form: This form is for parents to use during the year to show different ways that they have improved their knowledge through the year to better teach their student(s). It may be an article, convention, website, book, Podcast, etc that helped to better equip you as a teacher. This form will be due on June 30th, along with the rest of your year-end reports to complete your file for the year.
Community Service Form: This form is to be used to keep track of all community service hours logged during High School, and should be filled out by the supervisor or organization where the service hours were performed. Community service hours are optional, but they can be helpful to include on college and scholarship applications. These forms should be turned in to the Homeschool Coordinator at the end of each semester to be entered on the student's transcript and kept in the student's file. Parents may also want to keep a copy with your records.
Time Log Form: This form is be used to keep track of hours fulfilled towards P.E, Fine Arts, or Elective class credits. Time logs must be turned in at the end of the semester that the course was completed to show how many credits have been earned.
65 hours are required to earn .5 credit, and 130 hours for a full credit.
Teaching Parent Diploma: A copy of the teaching parent's high school (or college) diploma must be turned in and kept in your student's file. This is a State requirement.
Immunization Form: This is only necessary if you need to update your student(s) immunization record.